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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Buy or Rent calculator

Jobs being shipped to all across globe and in states its good to know whether its better to buy or rent in US of A. Here's a simple and beautiful calculator which tells you what exactly is good for you.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bleeding Heart Bakery - Chicago

Its amazing how guys are being creative about even simplest things we could ever imagine. Some friends from Chicago started a small bakery, baking cupcakes and today they have the most creative products which draws people to them in my opinion. They founded this bakery with the name Bleeding Heart Bakery in Chicago and their favorite recipe's have a twist. Most of the items have BOOZE in it. Yeah can you imagine eat a cake and get drunk. But the amazing part is its so colorful and creative it brings most of young generation to explore this new type of eatery in the market. And guess what they are loving it.

They are awarded "Best Bakery of 2011" and its so relieving to see how new generation is finding new pastures. We didn't have a choice to become a baker, nothing but an engineer / doctor. We couldn't become a ROCK STARRR !! Just Kidding

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

ASUS Zenbook - A winner

A strong competition for Apple AIR, zenbook from ASUS. A killer design, efficient processor, surprisingly thin and feather weight. It perform as good as its benchmark Apple AIR. Worth looking at the specs

A good review below :-

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

David Grownup

After I came back from India in last July 2011, we had a quick decision to make. Partially was because of David had some starting troubles to speak. We contacted some speech pathologists in New Jersey, but felt they are making it more complicated. And David is so adamant, if he feel he don't want to listen he won't listen at any cost. So I thought it will be easy breeding ground for David and Rocky to grow up in India with Ben's parents. And also if everything works well Ben can work there for sometime, which will also make her feel little better about herself.

But I started missing my kids more than anything and kind of understood why my mom used to be so much worried about us when we moved to different states to work and Robin to priesthood. Its so special about that parent-child relationship in which some magical imaginary ties exists and surely one reason why Indian families are so fast bound even though we are far apart. Today when I got David's picture after so many months I felt so special about it. Felt missing their innocent ages not enjoyed.

Kids are smart too they can sense you more than anything, if any little friction happens between me and Ben, David will come in between and make some funny scouts to make us laugh or goto Ben and hug her and kiss her. Its so surprising how they understand these things and react smartly in their on ways. David seems to be left hander, that's what I'm hearing from Ben. He's using his left hand more than right.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Rocky is here !!

Another precious gift Rocky( Paul ) William arrived with a scream and smile. He got lots of hair and a double chin. Cutie pie in a box.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Brother is special gift of God !!

Our family is blessed with a God's son. We are 3 boys and rough around corners as we could be. Robin is the middle one. He's so special and unique in all ways. He used to be the naughtiest of all, he used to be the organized of all. He had this clean-o-phobia, wants everything to be clean. If you want to enter his room you need to make sure you are dust free. If you want to jump to his bed you need to wash your feet. Otherwise you are thrown out.

Above all everybody remembered him for his "I dont want no-one to control me" attitude. You need to watch him otherwise he grabs anything which is in his reach.

Once I remember an incident way back in 1984, one of our uncles( Joseph Uncle ) took us to Guruvayoor temple for evening walk. We were small kids may be 5 and 3 years old respectively, holding his each hands and walking through the crowd. Its evening time, lots of people come for prayers and its always crowded. So we were walking very carefully and there were fruit sellers who brings variety of stuff in carts and sell there. And  those used to be stacked very well. We were passing by an orange cart, Robin as naughty he could be grabbed the lowest one in the stack and entire stack of orange fell down to road.

There were oranges running everywhere. And I remember picking oranges from road and the seller couldn't do anything be'cos he was a kid. Today he's preparing for his Ph.d, writing his own thesis. He's a parish priest, he's plays piano, he learns that too. He's very good at studies and always very special. When I saw this pic, everything was a nostalgia.

Today David ( my son ) when he's active he reminds me lots of Robin. Robin is on the right side

Friday, April 15, 2011

David Specials !!!!

David helping Ben to adjust her bed while delivering Rocky

Bored and sleepy in his seat

Having fun everywhere. Outgoing guy !! 

What are you trying to do ? Is this that complex ??

Is this my new ELMO ? its not moving 

David and Rocky first time.

Antique Car Near ShopRite Parsippany

If a car is properly restored its an asset which appreciates over a period of time. Vijay Mallya invested lost of money in cars and paintings understanding those will only appreciate. He runs an annual car show to bring all of this savings to public. Remembered that when I saw these. 

Adios Colonial Heights

Move to New Jersey from Texas was little troublesome. I was changing my employer and took up a new job as an architect. It was a sea change, Benitta was incharge of packing and I had lots of errands to finish in IBM. And she packed some 4 big carry ons and it was tough carrying that and changing flights. I remember fighting with her in airports, we came through Atlanta - Westchester. We stayed in Westchester for a night and then moved to Wayne. Stayed in hotel for 3 days and then idea was to decide on an apartment which I looked a month before.

We finally decided Colonial heights and moved into it. Our shipped stuff came 3 weeks later and it was tough. And also the day I was leaving from Dallas, met with a car accident and totalled my car. So had to look for a new car. But this place gave us a lots of peace. It 1 year flip of a second now we have Rocky and we are moving to a bigger place closeby.

This apartment had lots of good things, but one was a road through the backside of your apartment to get your car just next to your aparment. We used to bring our truck load of shopping stuff through this way. Took a picture of this place just before our last packet was taken out.

Family more than friends

I need to tell this, when we moved to New Jersey last year we kind of looked for apartments which is really big. And finally chose Colonial heights. And this couple was staying upstairs and we preferred ground floor because of David getting very active on day time. That couple is more than friends and neighbors to us now. But our family. Rama & Jaya.

They loved David a lot and slowly got into us too. We had a stairs through our front door to their place and Benitta and Jaya kind of frequented to each others place and started getting along. David became a reason. But when we decided to move to bigger apartment b'cos of Rocky, getting away from Rama & Jaya was the toughest thing. This is dedicated to the sweetest couple we met in our life. RAMA & JAYA