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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Buy or Rent calculator

Jobs being shipped to all across globe and in states its good to know whether its better to buy or rent in US of A. Here's a simple and beautiful calculator which tells you what exactly is good for you.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bleeding Heart Bakery - Chicago

Its amazing how guys are being creative about even simplest things we could ever imagine. Some friends from Chicago started a small bakery, baking cupcakes and today they have the most creative products which draws people to them in my opinion. They founded this bakery with the name Bleeding Heart Bakery in Chicago and their favorite recipe's have a twist. Most of the items have BOOZE in it. Yeah can you imagine eat a cake and get drunk. But the amazing part is its so colorful and creative it brings most of young generation to explore this new type of eatery in the market. And guess what they are loving it.

They are awarded "Best Bakery of 2011" and its so relieving to see how new generation is finding new pastures. We didn't have a choice to become a baker, nothing but an engineer / doctor. We couldn't become a ROCK STARRR !! Just Kidding

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

ASUS Zenbook - A winner

A strong competition for Apple AIR, zenbook from ASUS. A killer design, efficient processor, surprisingly thin and feather weight. It perform as good as its benchmark Apple AIR. Worth looking at the specs

A good review below :-