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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

An Amazing Washing Machine

The Orbit, an awesome water-less/noiseless/soap-less washing machine concept from an Industrial Designer probably you never heard off, Elie Ahovi. Not only does it promise to shorten the monotonous task of cleaning your dress and gym socks, it could cut down water usage- a good idea since our house hold bills might triple in 30 years by using dry ice.

The Orbit cuts down on water usage by allowing dry ice to evaporate into gas and perform a pressurized blast to lift the dirt off your clothes. The chemical reaction between carbon dioxide in dry ice and grease in your clothes break down the particles of dirt, spinning them into oblivion. After the dry ice has scrubbed your laundry clean in a matter of minutes, the gas is sucked back up and returns to a solid state for future washes. The grime removed from your clothes is filtered through a tube which will have to manually be cleaned and maintained.

Nifty right ? Even cooler is the fact that your clothes won't spin but float. Thanks to a battery-filled ring at the machine's center. The magnetic field would make everything levitate. The drum becomes a electromagnet, which can be controlled automatically by electrical impulses. The issues then would be whether it would trip over by a small accidental push, or if the magnetic fields strong enough to keep the basket inside the whole time.

This design is made for Electrolux and would be available in market by 2030. By the time clean water would be one of the precious commodities for human kind. There are other amazing projects he's doing like Marine Drone to clean the plastic waste from sea water which are worth reading.