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Friday, February 3, 2012

Unknowingly Made Millions

David Choe was unknown until last thursday. Suddenly he's all over media and fame. So what happened here ??  Here's the story. Mr.Choe is a graffiti artist from San Jose, California who was invited to paint art in the walls of FACEBOOK's first office. So ???. After work, then CEO Sean Parker offered Mr. Choe stock options or he can take his couple of thousand dollars payment and leave. At that time Mr.Choe thought FACEBOOK itself is a stupid idea.

Its way back in 2005, at that time even Mark Zuckerberg himself wouldn't be sure what FACEBOOK will turn into. Somehow Mr.Choe agreed to pick the stock options of 0.25% shares of FACEBOOK. He kept that with himself and never sold that, probably forgot about it. Today with the lauch of FACEBOOK IPO in stock market, he's worth roughly 200 Million Dollars. Same thing happened when Infosys got listed, it made many overnight millionaires in India.

It doesn't matter Mr.Choe is a millionaire or not, here's his wonderful art of President Obama. Enjoy !!

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