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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Oculus Rift

My dad was a quality control officer who worked in middle east for about 20 - 30 yrs. So we lost our daddy time most of our childhood except his 2 months yearly vacation. But for a trade-off we got beautiful toys our friends never could even imagine. I remember one of my favorite toy used to be VR (Virtual Reality) system where you load circular discs and with a liver when you pull it down the film roles to the next scene. And he used to get us discs of rain deers with Santa, snow time in Europe, desert rides etc etc. For some time we used to enthusiastic about the discs and after a while we get bored, until we get next set of discs. Well that used to be the augmented VR systems of 1980's.

VR systems are developed mostly for gamers or movie viewers to virtually put into the scene. You feel you are in the situation and you are seeing that in-front of your eyes. But it will give you a 40 degree view where when you look up or side ways, the scene move with you. You can't see the environment surrounded, only thing you can see is the scene.

Here is a small company with an Immersive VR system called RIFT which can really virtually put you into that space with 110 degrees viewing angle, if you look around you can actually see what's in the surrounding space. For example you are in a war zone and you see your enemy coming against you and you look around you can see your comrades running with you against the enemy. Now you really feel like you are in a war zone really fighting against somebody. That's the effect of augmented reality systems.

Oculus founded by Palmer Luckey, is successful with their prototype RIFT which raised more than 2 million from funding, set up their office in Irvine,CA. And they are coming up with their first developer toolkit for developers to involve in creating an Eco-system like android before they launch their product commercially. Thanks for display systems which are so light in weight and cheap so that this possible for common man and usual game players who can use this technology which used to cost 100K couple of years before.There is a new game released also called as Doom 3 especially for RIFT.

You can pre-order RIFT for 300$ from their site

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