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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

NEST Protect

A google company now, NeST continues to market innovative products. This smoke sensor can sense both smoke and carbon monoxide. But what makes it more beautiful is that it can even read your gestures. Say for eg: while cooking you just strayed your attention and all of sudden you burnt some food. Most cases smoke alarm would go off and you are running around to open the windows and doors and then take a wet towel to swing and make that damn thing shut. 

Now if you are aware of this accident, you can wave your hands and NeST shuts off and you can take care of your business now calmly. Don't you think it's a wonderful solution ?? Also with googles' your home strategy all gadgets can be connected and communicate to each other while you are away and can be controlled from anywhere through a mobile device. Home Sweet Home !!

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