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Friday, April 15, 2011

Adios Colonial Heights

Move to New Jersey from Texas was little troublesome. I was changing my employer and took up a new job as an architect. It was a sea change, Benitta was incharge of packing and I had lots of errands to finish in IBM. And she packed some 4 big carry ons and it was tough carrying that and changing flights. I remember fighting with her in airports, we came through Atlanta - Westchester. We stayed in Westchester for a night and then moved to Wayne. Stayed in hotel for 3 days and then idea was to decide on an apartment which I looked a month before.

We finally decided Colonial heights and moved into it. Our shipped stuff came 3 weeks later and it was tough. And also the day I was leaving from Dallas, met with a car accident and totalled my car. So had to look for a new car. But this place gave us a lots of peace. It 1 year flip of a second now we have Rocky and we are moving to a bigger place closeby.

This apartment had lots of good things, but one was a road through the backside of your apartment to get your car just next to your aparment. We used to bring our truck load of shopping stuff through this way. Took a picture of this place just before our last packet was taken out.

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