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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

GoPro - Hero 3

Sometimes fortune hits you unexpectedly and that's exactly what happened to Nick Woodman. New kid in the millionaire's list. A UC San Diego graduate went on creating his own company funbag. He raised most of his funds through external sources and the company busted in Y2K tech bubble.

But he followed his passion of traveling and surfing. He struck gold while surfing in Australia, he noticed that he don't have camera that can capture under water scenes, checked with his surfing friends and they were facing the same problem. A camera that's sturdy enough so that you can strap it on your helmet or bike. A camera that can take a few beatings, survive the blows and keep working. He decided to capture his small idea into a bigger canvas by starting a new company producing an excellent camera that can be used underwater, while having an adventurous bike ride, snow-boarding, you flying a helicopter or you go hitch-hiking, you can carry this one and it works like charm.

Well here's the real deal, FOXCONN bought a 8.8% of the company GoPro for a kool 200 mils, which made Nick overnight Millionaire. A company he bootstrapped from his mom and he selling belts in CA beach into 200 mils. It may sound surprising, but if you see the video below, you know why in the world its worth so much. By the way this video is a summation of many clips shot by Hero 3 in the 1080p ( Hi Def ). Don't forget to turn on your sound.

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